margarida dias

Margarida Dourado Dias, world citizen since 1974. Integrated researcher and manager in science and technology at the Research Institute in Art, Design, and Society (i2ADS), hosted at the Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto (FBAUP). She is an integrated researcher at the  IDENTIDADES_Colectivo de Acção/Investigação (ID_CAI) [] and at the Rede Internacional de Investigação em Artes, Educação Artística e Arte/Educação (enREDE) [].
Margarida Dias holds a PhD in Arts Education, she is the principal investigator of the project [in]visible (2022.05056.PTDC) and an intermittent artist. Her research focuses on arts education associated with anti-discrimination and decolonisation, with particular attention to the representation of (in)visible identities. She has participated in various international projects and several organizing and scientific committees of scientific events.


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